If Deskless Workers Don’t Read Email, Why Are You Using it for Top-Down Communication?

Sharing information from management or corporate teams with first-line employees is crucial. Transparent top-down communication is an essential part of an effective communication strategy, leading to more engaged and productive employees.

The trouble is, even if you are committed to sharing meaningful information with your workforce, they probably aren’t reading it. When managers or executives need to convey an important message to a large group of people, sending a mass email or posting to the Intranet isn’t going to cut it, especially for companies who have large numbers of deskless employees.

Imagine managing a large team of field service technicians, or being in charge of an important event, and trying to get important information out to hundreds (or thousands) of people through email. They aren’t standing by a computer ready to receive your communication and as a result, important messages go unread. Even if employees access email on a smartphone, it’s not something that is continually open and easy to review, let alone respond to.

Going Mobile for Frontline Workers

When it comes to top-down communication, you have to use a method that is mobile-first because that is the way teams communicate. Email is an office worker’s tool and doesn’t cut it for mobile and customer-facing teams.

With today’s technology, there’s a clear gap in the ability to reach deskless workers. Most companies still rely on ineffective approaches like email, Intranet, and even bulletin board postings. A recent survey by Zogby Analytics found that 71 percent of companies with deskless workforces use email to share company news, and a whopping 30 percent still use physical bulletin boards.

top-down communication

And when companies do turn to a mobile-first app, they all too often choose a point-solution that solely does corporate communications. If employees are to read the information, they have to open a separate app, rather than seeing the information in the same app they already use for daily work communications.

With Zinc, we’re pioneering top-down Broadcasts within an all mode, real-time platform that allows management and corporate teams to send out targeted alerts and updates. Because Broadcasts are received in the same app that employees use to communicate with each other every day, these important updates actually get read.

Furthermore, Zinc’s Communication Analytics show read receipts and click-through rates so you can know exactly who received the information. This is a critical insight for those who are sending Broadcasts, especially when the content has to do with safety.

From communications to manufacturing, numerous companies have improved employee safety, satisfaction, retention, and efficiency by leveraging Zinc’s easy-to-use real-time communication app for both team and corporate communication.

ABOUT Kristen Wells

Kristen is the senior manager of corporate communications at PTC and editor of Field Service Digital. She is passionate about elevating the stories of women in field service and improving communication between the field and the office. Prior to ServiceMax, Kristen held content marketing roles at startups such as Zinc and cielo24. Kristen holds a B.A. in Communication with an emphasis on Professional Writing from the University of California, Santa Barbara.